Bullying, teasing and even just name calling amongst siblings

How to help your kids with bullying, and even just name-calling amongst siblings Bullying, teasing, name-calling are all great opportunities for us as parents and teachers to teach our children where their power truly lies, and how to claim it back! It is never what somebody says that hurts us… it is only what we […]

The most magical words in parenting – “next time”

The most magical words in parenting – “Next time…” These are my most favourite words to ever ever use, and teach in parenting! They allow you to correct a child’s behaviour without telling them they’re wrong, and they are ridiculously simple to remember and use! These words work at the subconscious level of the child’s […]

How to stop your kids from whinging

How to stop your kids from whinging!!!!!! OMG, whinging and whining has to easily be the most exhausting thing we put up with, doesn’t it? Here’s a tip that won’t guarantee it never happens, but will make a distinct difference almost immediately, and at least lessen how often it happens! Phew!! Enjoy, and Stay Amazing! […]

Teach your kids to BE sorry, not just SAY sorry

Teach your kids to BE sorry, not just SAY sorry! Forcing your kids, or even just asking them to say sorry only teaches them to be incongruent, and out of alignment with themselves.  The subconscious message in your request is “Forget what you’d really like to say, dismiss how you really feel, push down all […]

What NOT to say series – “I told you so”

What NOT to say series – “I told you so”… All the different ways we say those words, and what to say instead! Do you hear yourself saying: “What did I tell you?” “See! I knew it.” “That’s what I said, remember?” Being right might feel good to you, but all it does it breed […]

What NOT to say series – “That’s terrible”

What NOT to say series – “That’s terrible”… and what to say instead! Criticism can be delivered in effective and constructive ways, that don’t have a negative effect on a child’s self-esteem. This video explains the different types of criticism, and gives examples of what language to use, and how to effectively communicate negative feedback […]

What NOT to say series – “Why did you do that?”

What NOT to say series – “Why did you do that?”… and what to say instead! If we were totally honest with ourselves, we would admit that we are not really asking for information to solve a problem in this instance… instead, this sentence is often used by adults wanting to fix blame an deliver […]

What NOT to say series – “We’ll see”

What NOT to say series – “We’ll see”… and what to say instead! This kind of parent talk is only used to remove an immediate problem from our lives, delay it, and pass it onto our children. It leaves them feeling powerless and deflated. Here is a video explaining exactly how to handle the situation […]

How to give effective praise to your child

How to give effective praise that builds self-esteem, and the words we use that destroy it! There are 3 types of praise. The kind you use will determine whether you raise a child with high self-esteem and self-worth, or a child who becomes so dependent on praise that they become a people-pleaser, and develop a […]

Stop saying “I’m proud of you”

Stop saying “I’m proud of you”, why, and what to say instead This is only a 9 minute video that teaches you how changing one simple little word in that sentence, can completely change how your child feels, and how it validates their sense of self. You’ll never say this sentence again once you understand […]

The best words to build your child’s self-esteem

Language that builds your child’s self-esteem Self-esteem is nothing other than self-talk. The way we talk when we talk to ourselves is what determines how we feel about ourselves. As parents, the words we use with our children is what programs their inner voice, and determines what they say when they talk to themselves. These […]

Stop praising me – I need to learn how to live in the REAL world!

Stop praising me… I need to learn how to live in the REAL world!!   We live in a culture where a certificate, a medal, a blue ribbon, a gold star, a trophy, or at minimum an enthusiastic “Good job!” has become commonplace and even expected when children participate in an activity, regardless of their […]

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