Conscious Parenting​

How to stop the fighting and start raising happy, well-adjusted and authentic children in just minutes per day

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Nobody wants to be an angry parent. Heat-of-the-moment punishments, door-slamming, screaming matches and hurtful outbursts traumatise our kids, push them further away, and leave us feeling exhausted and guilty.
How do you get your kids to truly listen to you? How do you stop the anger, shouting, nagging, yelling, smacking and punishing?




is not the solution

and your heart knows it

You’re not a bad person - parenting is hard!

You may have tried all kinds of parenting tips and methods, or even therapy, but nothing sticks for long (if it even sticks at all.)
So what happens? You do what you’ve always done, the cycle repeats, and the wounds end up being passed down to another generation.
I’m about to show you why nothing has worked, and a breakthrough approach to raising happy, healthy and resilient children who have self-esteem and confidence, and who feel safe coming to you with big problems in life.

This is why "soul-level" parenting works so well

Over the past 12 years, I’ve used the “soul-level” parenting approach to help over 1000 parents repair their relationships with their children, restore peace in the home and finally understand each other on a whole new level.

It’s so effective that I’m regularly referred to by psychologists, counsellors and paediatricians who’ve seen the life-changing results first-hand.
The best part is that I’ve made it easier than ever — you can learn how to do this in minutes per day inside my conscious parenting program. 


The problem with most parenting programs

Most programs focus on a reward/punishment approach, but we know this doesn’t work. Discipline is NOT the answer. In fact, it can cause more trauma for your child and create more distance between you.
So many programs focus on how to change your child’s behaviour and “make them listen” but it is never about this.
Until we look inward at our own trauma and how we’re projecting that onto our children, our emotions will continue to stand in the way and we’ll struggle to meet our child’s emotional needs.

You’re not a bad person - parenting is hard!

You may have tried all kinds of parenting tips and methods, or even therapy, but nothing sticks for long (if it even sticks at all.)
So what happens? You do what you’ve always done, the cycle repeats, and the wounds end up being passed down to another generation.
I’m about to show you why nothing has worked, and a breakthrough approach to raising happy, healthy and resilient children who have self-esteem and confidence, and who feel safe coming to you with big problems in life.

The problem with most parenting programs​

Most programs focus on a reward/punishment approach, but we know this doesn’t work. Discipline is NOT the answer. In fact, it can cause more trauma for your child and create more distance between you.

So many programs focus on how to change your child’s behaviour and “make them listen” but it is never about this.
Until we look inward at our own trauma and how we’re projecting that onto our children, our emotions will continue to stand in the way and we’ll struggle to meet our child’s emotional needs.

This is why "soul-level" parenting works so well

Over the past 12 years, I’ve used the “soul-level” parenting approach to help over 1000 parents repair their relationships with their children, restore peace in the home and finally understand each other on a whole new level.

It’s so effective that I’m regularly referred to by psychologists, counsellors and paediatricians who’ve seen the life-changing results first-hand.
The best part is that I’ve made it easier than ever — you can learn how to do this in minutes per day inside my online coaching program.


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This online Conscious Parenting program will help you break generational cycles and heal trauma wounds that are projected onto your child.

There’s a reason your kids behave the way they do. Behaviour is never random. This program teaches you how to show up differently for your kids, so they will too.

You don’t need to think, you don’t need to know, you just need to trust the process and follow the map. It’s that easy.

It’s not an overnight fix, but it works, and you can start seeing massive results in just minutes per day.

It’s going to take some courage on your part. We’ll be facing some uncomfortable truths. But the results will be fast and truly life-changing for everyone.

The 4 Pillars.

This program covers my 4 pillars of conscious parenting that we must get right if we want to raise children who are full of self-love, self-belief, self-esteem and self-worth.

Just like the pillars that hold a building, if one parenting pillar breaks, it puts pressure on the others until everything comes crashing down and you don’t even know where you went wrong.
So what are these pillars?
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The First Pillar:​

Love Languages, Self Esteem & Praise

Failing to understand your child’s love language can result in them feeling unheard, unseen and unloved. This is often the cause of behavioural issues, particularly sibling rivalry and a refusal to listen and respond accordingly. 

In this pillar you will learn how to connect with your child energetically, not just psychologically – on a soul level, not just a mind level. Children are energy sensitive beings – they feel us long before they hear and understand us! Learn each child’s ‘love language’ and ensure your love is translating.

Behaviour changes instantly when love is spoken in a child’s authentic soul language. This pillar also teaches you how to build true self-esteem in your child so they don’t become people pleasers, and instead they are able to build a strong sense of self and live their life with confidence and a high level of self-worth.

Pillar 1 - Holly Effect
Pillar 2 - Holly Effect
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The Second Pillar:​

Conscious Discipline

Discipline is where most parents unintentionally crush their child’s self esteem – so the child has no choice but to attempt to preserve their own power in some way (eg back-chat, rebellion, tantrums, agruing). Learn how to discipline your child without being angry, intimidating, shouting or making your child feel unsafe. 

Eliminate consequences, punishments, threats, time-outs, taking things away – these doesn’t work anyway, they only diminish your connection with your child and they’re exhausting for you as a parent. 

Replace these un-natural consequences with connected, conscious discipline using my word-for-word sentences and step-by-step processes that will have your child responding to you effortlessly. 

Connect with your child through discipline so they make better choices, not because they are told to, but because they actually want to and know how to.  When a child feels safe enough, they will extract a true learning experience from each disciplinary moment. This allows them to show up with better behaviour and most importantly, with their sense of self still in tact.

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The Second Pillar:​

Conscious Discipline

Discipline is where most parents unintentionally crush their child’s self esteem – so the child has no choice but to attempt to preserve their own power in some way (eg back-chat, rebellion, tantrums, agruing). Learn how to discipline your child without being angry, intimidating, shouting or making your child feel unsafe. 

Eliminate consequences, punishments, threats, time-outs, taking things away – these doesn’t work anyway, they only diminish your connection with your child and they’re exhausting for you as a parent. 

Replace these un-natural consequences with connected, conscious discipline using my word-for-word sentences and step-by-step processes that will have your child responding to you effortlessly. 

Connect with your child through discipline so they make better choices, not because they are told to, but because they actually want to and know how to.  When a child feels safe enough, they will extract a true learning experience from each disciplinary moment. This allows them to show up with better behaviour and most importantly, with their sense of self still in tact.

Pillar 2 - Holly Effect
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The Third Pillar:​

Conflict, Connection & Communication

Learn the parental mistakes that create conflict, even when it is unintentional. The way parents speak to their children is the cause of almost all disconnection, resistance and power plays. Language is key. Reduce the conflict in your home, including the sibling rivalry, and replace it with genuine connection and effective communication. 

This pillar teaches you how to speak to your children with language that creates immediate results and also builds their resilience and adaptability, which further increases their self-esteem. This is where you get the chance to truly prepare them for life.

In this pillar you will learn the deep subconscious messaging your children are currently receiving from you, and how this is contributing to their misbehaviours and low self-esteem. It can be very confronting, but it is also extremely liberating because once you know what’s causing your issues you can learn exactly how to fix it.  Shifting the relationship between you and your child is often more about what you need to stop doing rather what you need ‘to do’. 

Transform the energy of your home from conflict to connection with the content of this pillar alone. Once you know better, you can do better.

Pillar 3 - Holly Effect
Pillar 4 - Holly Effect
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The Fourth Pillar:​

Emotions and Trauma

Heal existing trauma and prevent any further emotional trauma that may have been created through particular experiences your child has endured, or even accidentally as a result of the way you have parented until now.  It is never too late, not even if your children are already teenagers or young adults.
Every time our children feel rejected, denied, dismissed or devalued, it affects their self-esteem and causes emotional trauma. It makes them disown parts of themselves.

This pillar helps you stop trauma in its tracks and create an environment that feels safe so that no emotional suppression takes place. This pillar also provides each parent with opportunities to heal themselves, as you realise why your child triggers you the way they do.

From a spiritual perspective, our children are here to call us forwards to our higher levels of expansion. This pillar gives you a deep understanding of both yourself and your child on deep emotional levels, and how generational trauma is playing out in your family as well as exactly what you can do to break the cycle once and for all so that it is not passed onto your children.

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The Fourth Pillar:​

Emotions and Trauma

Heal existing trauma and prevent any further emotional trauma that may have been created through particular experiences your child has endured, or even accidentally as a result of the way you have parented until now.  It is never too late, not even if your children are already teenagers or young adults.
Every time our children feel rejected, denied, dismissed or devalued, it affects their self-esteem and causes emotional trauma. It makes them disown parts of themselves.

This pillar helps you stop trauma in its tracks and create an environment that feels safe so that no emotional suppression takes place. This pillar also provides each parent with opportunities to heal themselves, as you realise why your child triggers you the way they do.

From a spiritual perspective, our children are here to call us forwards to our higher levels of expansion. This pillar gives you a deep understanding of both yourself and your child on deep emotional levels, and how generational trauma is playing out in your family as well as exactly what you can do to break the cycle once and for all so that it is not passed onto your children.

Pillar 4 - Holly Effect


When you build these 4 pillars, you can replace shame and blame with understanding. You can build deep bonds of trust and connection. And you can have your children listening to you and responding to your requests without nagging, yelling and constant reminders. 

We’re not here to “fix behaviour problems”

Because the reality is, behaviour is never random. Every single behaviour is just an attempt for a child to get their needs met. That’s why the work I do is at a SOUL level, not just at a “behaviour” level so that we can identify the needs of your child and find healthy and authentic ways to meet those needs.

The result? You’ll never have to work on the behaviour because it dissolves on its’ own once your child’s needs are met.

But does it really work?

This child was suicidal at 9 years old and had been seeing psychologists for five years straight.

Within 5 weeks in my program, he was completely healed and you should see him these days — the most

incredible, strong, confident,
empowered and daring

13-year-old boy you’ve ever met! His ex-psychologist now refers clients to us because she couldn’t believe how different he was only weeks after his mum started our program.

In fact, I regularly receive referrals from psychologists, counsellors and paediatricians who’ve seen the results of my program first-hand.

Now, it’s your turn…..

Program Options

Course Details

Plus, first month FREE coaching package!

which includes…..

Lifetime Access – $1,190

Coaching package subscription is free for the first month and will be charged at $20/mth thereafter, cancel anytime, manage your own subscription, no questions asked!

Coaching Package Only

$50 per month

Upgrade your life,
unlock your child’s
authentic self


Receive a 100-page full colour printable workbook AND these 3 ebooks as part of the Conscious Parenting Program.

The right words, at the right time, right when you need them, no matter where you are!

Meet the happy parents who've saved their relationships with their children through my
Conscious Parenting Program

If parenting came with a manual, this would be it! We started implementing Holly’s ideas and saw an immediate change in our children’s behaviour and self-esteem.

The weekly calls totally got my husband and I on the same page. I’ve done so many other programs but there’s nothing like this. This will be the last one you ever look for!

School Teacher, 2 children

This program saved my son’s life! He has ADHD and Autism, and had been seeing a psychologist for 5 years previously. He was struggling with shame and low self esteem. Within 4 weeks everything changed!

Today he is confident, empowered and his authentic self with no anger outbursts or destructive behaviour and meltdowns.

School Teacher, 6 children

Ready To Give Your Child The Gift Of A Lifetime?

Just imagine what your home life could be like in a few weeks from now…

How would it feel to be emotionally connected to your child, allowing them to be who they are without worrying about how they’ll be judged.

Imagine a calm home, where you’re building a true relationship with your children that is based on heartfelt connection rather than control and discipline. 

No more guilt and shame — just proudly and confidently raising children who feel safe to be a full expression of themselves and are authentic to who they are.

That’s a gift your child will cherish forever, as will you.

About Holly

Even before I became a mum, people always told me I had a natural wisdom and intuition around children. In fact, my friends and family called me “the baby whisperer” even in my teenage years.

I knew I had a gift with children and I have always been able to reach them in a way their own parents couldn’t. It took me a while to have the courage to use my gift the way I do today, but I can honestly say this is my life’s work and what I came to this planet to do!

With over 16 years of experience, I have helped thousands of families get the results they’ve needed after years of trying everything else and seeing every other health professional/therapist etc. I am always everyone’s LAST stop. Once they find me, they never search for anyone else again because it all stops and changes here.

Nothing happens by accident. I’m so glad you found me, and soon enough, I know you and your family will be glad too.

Frequently Asked Questions

I have bought other courses before, and never used them. How long do I have to complete this program?
Just like the pillars that hold a building, if one parenting pillar breaks, it puts pressure on the others until everything comes crashing down and you don’t even know where you went wrong.

Yes! There are weekly payment plans available at only $25/week. You will get full access to the program as soon as you make your first payment.  If you miss a payment your access will be restricted until you make your payment, at which point you will receive instant access again.

NOOOO! This is the one thing we wanted to make sure of – the last thing parents need is “another thing to do” when they are already exhausted! Our children aren’t robots, they are people! Which means what works for one child may not work for the next one.

This is why you can access specific coaching on a LIVE group zoom call every week as part of the Coaching Package Subscription.  You also get access to the private community where you can post questions as often as you need, as well as search for past replays using keywords.  You are supported the whole time.

Yes! Both you and your partner can do this program together, and you only have to pay ONCE! I strongly encourage both of you doing it together so that the kids get consistency and you can both be on the same page.

Also, different parenting styles often causes discord in relationships, and we discuss topics like these, and how to handle them on the weekly live calls. So not only will your parenting improve, so will your relationship, which means your whole house benefits!

All replays are posted in the private community the following day, so you can access the replay any time you need.

Yes! You have full control and can manage your own coaching package subscription in your online portal. It is easy to find, and you can turn it on and off as you like. There are NO minimum payments or lock-in contracts of any kind. If you need any help with your subscription, you can also reach out to us at any time.


Everyone deserves the chance to start over and do things better!

It’s never too late to break the cycle and change the way you raise your children! Their future depends on it!

© Copyright 2024. All rights reserved

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